OPSEC: Because Jail is for wuftpd
Ekoparty 2012
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S8GPTvq1m-w
Notes |
wuftpd |
Lulzsec |
Lulzsec: lessons learned |
freedom fighter |
The Wire |
you only have to fuck up once to ruin OPSEC |
binary replacement rootkit |
Solaris |
grugq’s friend owned 2000+ machines with a faulty rootkit |
rootkit was supposed to not log activity, but simply killed syslogd |
was unable to go back and fix ~200 of them |
admins installed Tripwire on compromised hosts |
friend was raided two weeks later |
moral of story: use a better rootkit (kernel rootkit!) |
“The enemy is listening” |
people will use what you say against you |
OPSEC in a nutshell: STFU. dont tell people things |
need to know basis; no one needs to know anything |
keep it to yourself |
guard your secrets |
people will blackmail you if they have the opportunity |
marijuana OPSEC cartoon |
be proactively paranoid. paranoia doesn’t work retroactively. |
be tidy. clean up after yourself. |
don’t leave things around in plaintext |
don’t leave equipment lying around |
don’t leave evidence lying around |
avoid being explicit |
do not talk in code because people know what you’re talking about anyway |
“two green sweaters and one mushroom pizza” is obvious |
camouflage |
preparation work; put in the plumbing first |
create a cover identity: facebook page, twitter account, email, … |
independent freedom fighters don’t have large organizational backing |
independent freedom fighters have to do things themselves |
work on your legend: the cover needs to be fleshed out |
covers need to be believable |
covers need to age |
never contaminate your cover; when two covers interact with each other |
Ten Crack Commandments - Biggie Smalls |
Ten Freedom Fighting Commandments |
1. don’t reveal your operational details |
2. never reveal your plans |
3. never trust anyone |
4. never confuse recreation with freedom fighting; don’t hang out with those you are operating with |
5. never operate from your own house |
6. be proactively paranoid; it doesn’t work retroactively |
7. keep personal life and freedom fighting separate |
8. keep your personal environment contraband free |
9. don’t talk to the police (stfu) |
10. don’t give anyone power over you |
it hurts to get fucked |
no one is going to go to jail for you |
operate from rented server instead of your house |
your friends will betray you |
#lulzsec lessons learned |
indictment |
Jeremy Jammond (Anarchaos, sup_g, yohoho) |
Tor |
Hammond had strong opsec until he mentioned he was on probation and gave up identifying information about himself |
FBI conference call hacked and recorded |
Donncha Carroll |
website defacement |
Fine Gael |
Donncha Carroll used their personal Facebook account to send details about defacement |
identities: polonium, anonsacco, palladium |
logged in from the same IP for all of his identities |
username was their real name |
username should be “user” |
Sabu |
#sunnydays #babytech |
“who is this?” was responded with one of their handles |
freegan |
anti-capitalism |
Chicago |
dumpster diving |
Hammond revealed that he was a freegan, tying him to chat logs |
Gmail |
Hammond hacked a white supremacist website from home. |
MAC address |
Apple computer |
use SIM cards and rotate them for internet access |
FBI triangulated Hammond’s wifi signal |
FBI broke into Hammond’s wifi |
Hammond mentioned using a mac, FBI observed Apple MAC address on network |
don’t use wifi; it can be eavesdropped from outside |
FBI correlated when Hammond was in his house and online to prove it was him |
Hammond mentioned using Tor. FBI correlated Tor activity at his residence |
circumstantial evidence |
Perfect Privacy |
Sabu asked Carroll details about his IP and VPN service. Authorities used this against him. |
VPNs do not provide anonymity; they provide privacy! |
subpoena |
Virus had good opsec and may have not been busted |
doxxed |
interrogation |
w0rmer - Higinio Ocho |
EXIF data; geotags |
Pastebin |
w0rmer doxxed and self-incriminated himself on PasteBin |
interrogation tactic: interrogators will play with your ego to make you defensive and admit |
SQL injection |
sqlmap |
you know that plumbing worked because nothing happens |
Ben Nagy |
defense in depth for freedom fighters |
using personas takes practice. practice before freedom fighting! |
use technological setups that have failsafes |
Tor everything |
revealing information about something as simple the weather can be used to dox you |
amateurs practice until they get it right. professionals practice until they cant get it wrong |
Roberts Rules of Order |
don’t log things |
it is a crime to delete logs if you think they will be used for a crime; its better not to have them to begin with |
don’t reveal physical traits; gender, tattoos, physical appearance, … |
stick to US keyboards if you are foreign |
don’t use facebook or twitter because they can unmask you |
avoid keeping regular hours |
Robert Morris Jr - morris worm |
buffer overflow |
freedom fighters are no longer the apex predator |
LEO - Law Enforcement Official/Officer |
LEO are now the apex predators |
tor -> VPN = good. vpn -> tor = go to jail! |
Bitcoin |
only safe currency is Bitcoin; you can mine it yourself |
only purchase Bitcoin over tor |
https://torrentfreak.com/best-vpn-anonymous-no-logging/ |
tormail |
Bitcoin is anonymous, not private |
Bitcoin can be traced |
Bitcoin mixer |
The Hidden Wiki |
PORTAL - Personal Onion Router To Assure Liberty |
you can be famous. you can be a criminal, but you cannot be a famous criminal. |