

Dan Rather on Journalism & Finding the Truth in the News

Learn to ask the right questions & tell captivating stories. Practical advice for journalists & avid news consumers.

by Dan Rather

Udemy 2016

Dan Rather
story hunter, story breaker, story teller
East Texas
Hugh Cunningham - Dan Rather’s journalism teacher
“A free and independent press. Truly independent. Fiercely independent when necessary is the red beating heart of freedom and democracy”
CBS news
60 Minutes
CBS Evening News
assassination of JFK
Vietnam war
Iraq, Afghanistan
Saddam Hussein
Nelson Mandella
George H W Bush
Rarely do people wind up in the news for being boring
human nature
threats facing journalism
freedom of the press
it is our duty as citizens to participate in journalism
informed citizen
becoming a journalist
tips of the trade
why is journalism important?
the primary role of journalism is to constantly seek out the truth or get as close to the truth as possible
the truth is uncomfortable to many people in power
United States
uncover knowledge that the powerful have
uncover knowledge that the public needs to know
news is what the public needs to know that someone, somewhere, particularly someone in power, doesnt want you to know.
getting the public to see and understand the news is extremely challenging
United States bank bailout
the press
Bill of Rights
Freedom of the Press
Freedom of Speech
Freedom of Religion
first ammendment
first ammendment is the top!
self-governing people need information in able to govern themselves
city councils
impartially-sourced information
means of distrubing news broadly
democracy and freedom require the press to be a check on the balance of power
Hurricane Katrina
New Orleans
the press reported Katrina storm victims taken advantage of
founding fathers
Thomas Jefferson - if a nation expects to be ignorant and free, it expects but never was and never will be.
public perception of what news is and should be
mainstream/traditional news sources
challenging authority, ruffling feathers
the press is disinclined to upset the status quo
shouldnt be afraid to call lies lies
Internet news are more liekly to be driven by politics
news outlets being biased
blame the messenger
convential wisdom
Fox News, MSNBC
Dredge Report
Huffington Post
conservative truth, liberal truth
content, niche interests
used to have to buy the paper to check sports scores and thumb through headlines to get to the sports section
used to have to wait and watch the news for the sports to come on.
new news media makes us more hermetic.
the news is an institution in peril
White House
White House Press Corps
1600 Pennsylvania Ave.
President of the United States
the president is just another citizen
scepticism vs cynicism
Iran, North Korea, Pakistan
foreign correspondence
whistle blower
tweet, Twitter
citizen journalist
citizen journalists vs professional journalists
blog posts
pressure works!
write and give praise where praise is due
news cant continue to thrive without involvement of those who have the most to lose.
its easier to be involved now than it ever has been
technology is changing the landscape of journalism
critical thinking
analytical skills
fast and clear writing
good sources are important to stories
good sources provide context
tech since the millennium has advanced at an incredible rate
broadcast radio
The Four Dark Days in Dallas
Lee Harvey Oswald
JD Tippett
Vietnam war was the first “living room war”
satellite transmissions
combat reporter
De Nang Vietnam
San Francisco
New York City
Moon Landing
film to digital media progression
film had a much more pronounced delay compared to digital
iPhone - 2007
Arab Spring 2011
iPhone is the main source of visual content now
Twitter became the source of breaking news worldwide
smartphone has revolutionized journalism
with great power comes great responsibility
smartphones = great responsibility. zero editorial control or input
citizen journalism has been good, but also led to misinformation
citizen journalism lacks training and accountability
old school journalism required fact checking first. new journalism has fact checking second.
virtual reality
virtual reality with journalism
the story is as important as the news itself; framing is super important
viral media/going viral
Vietnam war: 4-6 days from film to broadcast. iPhone: hours. sometimes minutes!
take news with a grain of salt
immediate != accurate
“You trust your mother but you cut the cards” – dont take anything for granted from anyone
Sam Houston
media conglomerate
Comcast, Disney, Viacom
Used to be 50+ national news companies. now, down to ~5-6
Facebook/Meta, Google/Alphabet, and Twitter/X control most of the news now
media used to be much more competitive
public service
Time, Newsweek, Life magazines
television “killed” print media. internet killed television.
Houston Chronicle, Houston Post
advertising money
television network
broadcast network
there are a lot of choices for news now, but quality varies wildly
big business is in bed with Washington
big business pays for news that benefits them
news used to not be expected to make money
news used to be seen as a public service
today, news is expected to make money
investigative reporting
news gathering vs news packaging
test pattern
prime time television
television ratings
morning news, evening news
cable television
bottom line
investigative reporting has been negatively impacted by the expectation of news divisions to make massive profit
investigative reporting may make enemies
investigative reporting causes controversy; corporations do not like controversy
trivialization of the news
profiles of famous people
feel good stories
people work hard and need an escape when they get home
people dont have the mental bandwidth to investigate after work
news should make it easier for people looking for escapes or lacking bandwidth to understand the world
technical, depressing, deep dives, etc arent pursued as often as celebrity gossip, feel good, and trivial nonsense
this is largely due to the ruthless monetization of news
journalists feel obligated to back away from political news due to the potential to alienate half of their viewers
Afghanistan war coverage waned over time, despite being long-lasting
difficult stories matter
Serial podcast - murder
“a story well told can and will grab an audience”
Exercise: review several news broadcasts. which covers pop culture the most? which ones have the best ratings?
Exercise: choose a news organization. who owns it? who have they donated to politically?
news anchor
owners often obfuscate who they make political contributions to
conflict of interest
defense contractor
Hurricane Carla - September 1961 - Texas coast
Gulf of Mexico
Yucitan Peninsula
Galveston Texas
weather station
weather prediction
United States Weather Bureau
news can cause panic or save people from devastating events
Civil Rights Movement
Governor Wallace
University of Alabama
Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.
“Colored Broadcasting System”, “Communist Broadcasting System”
television reporters couldn’t hide because the equipment was so large
African American
people didn’t realize how bad it was until they saw it on TV
many news stations didn’t cover civil rights movement or would censor or shorten the coverage
Kennedy assassination
Dallas Texas
Walter Cronkite
Lyndon Johnson
Democrat, Republican
Secret Service
grapefruit bags
Texas Schoolbook Depository
first lady
Jackie Kennedy
reporters have to deal with their emotions when reporting traumatic news
Jack Ruby
Lee Harvey Oswald
news wasn’t always 24 hours
Vietnam War
Vietnam War was “television’s first war”
political leaders were telling the people one thing, but reality was different
Tam Ky Vietnam
Saigon Vietnam
captain, sergeant
civil war
American opinion of the war changed when soldiers started coming home missing limbs or dead
bully pulpit
people being exposed to television clips depicting war changed public opinion of war
Richard Nixon, Watergate
criminal conspiracy
Constitution of the United States
shadow government
grand jury
Bob Woodward, Carl Bernstein
“All the President’s Men” - Bob Woodward, Carl Bernstein
Washington Post
they conspired to confine the story to Washington Post to downplay the story and blame it on left-leaning/liberal journalism
many news orgs avoided covering the story due to political pressure and risk aversion
Watergate Caper
Washington DC
American Experiment
constitutional republic
Tiananmen Square
foreign policy
George H W Bush
herd journalism
Purple Bamboo Park - Beijing
Mikhail Gorbachev
Rather’s coverage of the protests was shut down by the Chinese government
Chinese military shut down the protests violently
Chinese government refused to acknowledge the event even happened
famous scene of protester standing in front of a tank
New Year
Soviet Union invaded Afghanistan
Soviets wanted a warm water port on the Indian Ocean
Andrew Lack - MSNBC
intelligence agency
pucker factor
Dan Rather walked into Afghanistan from Pakistan via the Khyber Pass
Moscow Radio put a bounty on Rather’s crew
Ronald Reagan
Afghan Resistance
America eventually gave support to Afghan resistance against the Soviets
Osama Bin Laden
wars are easy to start or join, but difficult to finish and exit
Iraq War
Gulf War 1 and 2
Saddam Hussein
Iraq’s invasion of Kuwait
George W Bush
questionable evidence, false evidence
Rather criticized journalists including himself for covering Afghanistan and Iraq poorly
Iraq invasion was a strategic blunder
Killian Documents
Texas Air National Guard
“Rather Outspoken” - Dan Rather
“Truth” movie
news is distilled to headlines and sound clips
click bait
journalism is a contest based on speed
working too fast leads to mistakes
social media
crowd source
Election 2016
Eisenhower vs Stevenson
both candidates had negative approval rates
Donald Trump, Hillary Clinton
presidential primary
general election
Twitter, Facebook
post-truth era
false equivalency
Exercise: write your own broadcast
The Art of the Interview
Who, What, When, Where, Why, How
preparing for an interview
what makes a great interview?
learn the subject before interviewing
preparation is seen as a luxury now due to the tempo of news releases
subject matter experts can instantly sniff out unprepared interviewers
shorter lists of questions are often better than longer lists
if you have 10 questions, prioritize the top 3
firm handshake
strong eye contact
sound bite
ask yourself “what do i need from this interview?”
avoid simple yes or no questions
the subject of the interview is the star
avoid asking long questions
be prepared to change the questions if necessary
listen more than you speak
ask follow up questions
memorize your questions if possible
wait a few seconds if your interview subject pauses. they may say something profound
study body language, eye movement, facial expressions, hand gestures, crossed limbs, …
Saddam Hussein interview
Baghdad Palace
people speaking other languages may use an interpreter even if they know the interviewer’s language
Saddam maintained eye contact, but not intimidating
Saddam wanted to talk about his childhood
Saddam was imprisoned for his political belief
Saddam survived a lot of perilous situations
Saddam dreamed of becoming the modern Saladin
Rather interviewed Saddam twice
interviews are more successful when treated as a conversation
adversarial interview
keep pressing and be patient when interviewing
if you dont understand an answer, your audience probably wont either.
ask interviewee to repeat themselves or rephrase an answer if it is unclear
interviews should drive the narrative of the story
interviews should contribute to the story
always be respectful in interviews, even when it is with someone you dont like or adversarial
always take the high road
Carly Simon
“The Big Interview”
Meredith DeSalazar
Simon Sisters
Rather spent a lot of time preparing for the Carly Simon interview; watched interviews, asked colleagues about them, read articles, …
famous people typically don’t become famous by accident
your subject will likely be more open to you if you prepare for the interview and understand them
Exercise: read a lot of interviews. analyze how they added to the story, if it said anything beyond obvious, or if there are any unanswered questions
“writing is the bedrock of the journalism craft”
writing clearly requires clear thinking
appearance and voice are more important if you are on tv
writing well has become less important, but is still very important
always improve your writing!
lifetime of improvement
writing takes hard work and practice
write simply, directly, and clearly
write quickly
you CAN improve with writing, even if you weren’t good at it in school
journal writing helps with improving writing
journal what happened and what you thought about it.
journal daily
writing discipline
observe other’s writing.
study people’s writing that you admire
writing style
“Writing News for Broadcast” - Patterson and Bliss
“The Elements of Style” - Strunk and White
Rather highly recommends The Elements of Style
Rather frames his writing as if he were explaining to his wife
simple and direct writing; eliminate adjective and adverbs
short sentences, short paragraphs
re-write print stories in broadcast style as an exercise
write in a conversational tone
eliminate quotes when you can
Exercise: re-write stories as straightforward news piece AND as if you’d explain to people at a party
Exercise: journal daily. write observations from journal as news pieces in third person
pictures tell stories
“Tell Me a Story” - Don Hewitt
stories have a beginning, middle, and end
stories typically have one strong character
stories typically have a surprise reveal
stories have catchy, poignant endings
best stories take you on an adventure
story arc vs randomness
pyramid story, inverse pyramid
front-load stories with facts: WWWWWH of story
we are in the first stages of learning to write well for the Internet
writing for Internet is close to writing for print; newspaper, magazines, etc.
Internet stories with pictures/media is closer to writing for television
Homer, Shakespeare, Holy Bible
read good writers!
reading more leads to better quality writing
public speaking
like interviewing, preparation is key for public speaking
find out who the audience is
who do you want your message to reach within the audience?
what is the takeaway of the message?
practice in front of friends or loved ones who will give you honest feedback
practice public speaking
lead with humor
Abraham Lincoln
envision yourself talking to one person in the audience
move focus to more than one person throughout the speech
try not to read notes/cards
eye contact with audience
focusing on a handful of people vs the entire audience
block out distractions, get into the zone
confidence vs arrogance
confidence stems from preparation
posture is important in conveying confidence
record yourself with smartphone and review your performance
audiences are forgiving if you make mistakes
speaking to a camera requires practice
picturing the camera as a loved one or friend helps
talk to audience vs talking at the audience
tone is important
nervousness is normal
deep breathing and preparation help with appearing on camera
develop the ability to ad lib
Exercise: watch sports games or events and describe what is happening in real time to develop ad lib skills
develop the ability to memorize scripts, talks, facts, etc
learn to memorize things quickly
Exercise: write speeches; a toast for a friend’s milestone, a graduation speech to the graduating class, and a toast at a friend’s wedding
practice speeches in front of a mirror
each speech should contain a humorous anecdote and a reveal
pay attention to body language, eye contact, etc
how to stay ahead
stay informed
staying informed is easier today due to Internet and technology
watch stuff with opposing viewpoints
take news quizzes; The Washington Post, Slate
The Associated Press
if you want to write, you MUST practice; journal things. re-write things. strive for improvement
go above and beyond
very few people get ahead by doing only the assigned work
never think you have a monopoly on ideas
there’s always someone smarter
always be curious; the curious mind is the expanding mind
“The Great Eight: Thoughts to Live By”
1. To lead a noble life is to lead a life of service to others
North Star, guiding light
2. six words to keep: humility, gratitude, modesty, forgiveness, mercy, love
3. ten magic words: if it is to be it is up to me
4. hearts can inspire other hearts with their fire
5. the best leaders are excellent listeners
6. the best leaders are strong communicators
7. leaders generally write well; long form, short form, letters, papers, …
8. leaders are critical and analytical thinkers
Exercise: learn the great eight and apply them to your life
lead, follow, or get the hell out of the way
good leaders work early, stay late, and work hard and smart
“One person with courage is a majority”
CS Lewis: “Courage is not simply one of the virtues, but it is the most important one. The form of every virtue at its testing point”
Mother Theresa
South Africa
Nelson Mandela
Dalai Lama
Buddhism, meditation, deep study
astronomy, nuclear science
anonymous tip
law enforcement
investigative reporting is dangerous
investigative reporting is addictive
journalists must be able to defend their stories
encyclopedia; the poor man’s college
scarlet fever
bombing of London
journalism is a noble profession
humans are fallible and far from perfect
checks and balances
partisan rhetoric
people need to ask tough questions and tough follow up questions
watch dog
lap dog
attack dog
consumer choice affects the bottom line of news organizations
free and independent press
thirst for information

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