Building Open Source Network Security Tools: Components and Techniques
by Mike D. Schiffman (2003)
ISBN 0-471-20544-3
Wiley Publishing Inc.
Notes | |
xi | @stake |
ISS | |
Cambridge Technology Partners | |
firewalk | |
tracerx | |
libnet | |
Fortune 500 | |
“Hack Proofing Your Network: Internet Tradecraft | |
“Hacker’s Challenge” | |
xiii | Dominique Brezinski |
In-Q-Tel | |
Windows NT Magazine | |
Information Security Magazine | |
xiv | Adam J. O’Donnell |
NSF | |
Drexel University | |
electrical engineering | |
Lucent Technologies | |
Guardent Inc. | |
distributed system | |
computer security | |
xv | strobe (port scanner) |
Julian Assange | |
Renaud Deraison | |
Nessus | |
Marty Roesch | |
Snort | |
NIDS | |
traceroute | |
Gerald Combs | |
Ethereal | |
Fyodor | |
Nmap | |
Dug Song | |
Dsniff | |
fragroute | |
IP fragmentation | |
port scan | |
xvi | David Goldsmith |
UDP traceroute | |
active reconnaissance | |
IP expiry | |
DNS - port 53 | |
hops | |
firewall | |
xviii | TTL |
ICMP time exceeded | |
xix | libpcap |
libnet | |
libnids | |
libsf | |
OpenSSL | |
passive reconnaissance | |
penetration testing | |
API | |
OpenBSD | |
gcc | |
Cygwin | |
xxi | printf |
C | |
packet injection | |
macro | |
packet capture | |
software library | |
code reuse | |
Task Focus | |
portability | |
code readability | |
callback function | |
int | |
char | |
short | |
pointer | |
array | |
function pointer | |
xxii | function reentrance |
thread safety | |
assertion | |
assert() | |
abort() | |
NULL | |
xxiii | Courier font |
1 | network security tool |
2 | libnids |
6 | Software Development Lifecycle |
9 | libpcap |
Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory | |
10 | pcap_t |
pcat_addr_t | |
typedef | |
function | |
struct | |
struct pcap_addr | |
struct sockaddr | |
11 | netmask |
broadcast address | |
P2P | |
pcap_if_t | |
pcap_findalldevs() | |
pcap_open_live() | |
struct pcap_stat | |
u_int | |
13 | struct pcap_pkhdr |
caplen | |
snaplen | |
network interface | |
14 | pcap_lookupdev() |
promisc | |
802.2 SNAP | |
“any” device on Linux w/ libpcap | |
IRIX | |
HP-UX | |
Ultrix | |
Digital Unix | |
pcap_open_dead() | |
Solaris | |
802.11 wireless networking | |
15 | pcap_open_offline() |
pcap_close() | |
16 | pcap_freealldevs() |
pcap_dispatch() | |
pcap_read() | |
u_char | |
17 | pcap_loop() |
pcap_next() | |
pcap_setnonblock() | |
pcap_getnonblock() | |
18 | BPF - Berkeley Packet Filter |
pcap_lookupnet() | |
pcap_compile() | |
pcap_compile_nopcap() | |
boolean | |
19 | pcap_setfilter() |
pcap_freecode() | |
pcap_dumper_t | |
pcap_dump_open() | |
pcap_dump() | |
void | |
stdin, stdout, stderr | |
20 | pcap_is_swapped() |
byte order | |
pcap_major_version() | |
pcap_minor_version() | |
pcap_file() | |
pcap_dump_close() | |
pcap_datalink() | |
21 | pcap_snapshot() |
pcap_stats() | |
struct pcap_stat | |
pcap_fileno() | |
DLPI | |
pcap_perror() | |
pcap_geterr() | |
pcap_strerror() | |
strerror() | |
libc | |
errno | |
22 | MAC address |
OUI - Organizationally Unique Identifier | |
arpatch | |
hash table | |
Big-O notation | |
O(1) | |
O(log N) | |
balanced binary tree | |
35 | libnet |
struct bpf_program | |
BSD license | |
36 | ./configure;make;make install |
packet checksum | |
38 | libnet_init() |
libnet_build_tcp() | |
libnet_build_ipv4() | |
libnet_build_ethernet() | |
libnet_write() | |
libnet_destroy() | |
raw socket interface | |
39 | MTU |
IP fragmentation - DF (Don’t Fragment) | |
link layer | |
computing packet checksums | |
40 | libnet_toggle_checksum() |
libnet_t | |
libnet_ptag_t | |
libnet_stats structure | |
libnet_write() | |
42 | libnet_clear_packet() |
43 | libnet_addr2name4() |
Yellow Pages (YP) | |
libnet_addr2name4_r() | |
libnet_name2addr4() | |
libnet_get_ipaddr4() | |
44 | libnet_addr2name6_r() |
libnet_name2addr6() | |
libnet_get_hwaddr() | |
libnet_hex_aton() | |
45 | libnet_build() |
NTP | |
libnet_build_ntp() | |
libnet_build_udp() | |
OSI model | |
libnet_build_data() | |
46 | CDP |
802.1Q | |
RARP | |
SNAP - Subnetwork Attachment Point | |
STP | |
VRRP | |
RIP | |
OSPF | |
47 | libnet_autobuild_ethernet() |
libnet_autobuild_ipv4() | |
libnet_autobuild_ipv4_options() | |
libnet_build_tcp_options() | |
48 | libnet_geterror() |
libnet_build_801_1q() | |
IEEE 802.2 | |
link-layer control (LLC) | |
49 | IPSEC |
DIX | |
51 | libnet_build_802_2snap() |
52 | libnet_build_arp() |
RFC 826 - ARP | |
RFC 903 - RARP | |
53 | libnet_build_bootpv4() |
54 | libnet_build_cdp() |
55 | libnet_build_data() |
libnet_build_dhcpv4() | |
libnet_build_bootpv4() | |
56 | libnet_build_dnsv4() |
libnet_build_icmpv4_echo() | |
libnet_build_icmpv4_mask() | |
libnet_build_icmpv4_timestamp() | |
RFC 792 - ICMP | |
58 | libnet_build_icmpv4_unreach() |
59 | libnet_build_icmpv4_timeexceed() |
60 | libnet_build_icmpv4_redirect() |
/etc/protocols | |
62 | libnet_build_ip6() |
libnet_build_ntp() | |
RFC 2460 - IPv6 | |
RFC 1119, 1305 - NTP | |
64 | libnet_build_ospfv2() |
RFC 2328 - OSPF | |
66 | libnet_build_ospfv2_hello() |
libnet_build_ospfv2_dbd() | |
67 | libnet_build_ospfv2_lsr() |
68 | libnet_build_rip() |
RFC 1058, RFC 2453 - RIP | |
70 | libnet_build_stp() |
IEEE 802.1d - Spanning Tree Protocol (STP) | |
71 | IPMAXPACKET - 65535 |
72 | RFC 768 - UDP |
libnet_build_vrrp() | |
RFC 2338 - Virtual Router Redundancy Protocol (VRRP) | |
73 | libnet_plist_chain_new() |
libnet_plist_chain() | |
74 | libnet_plist_chain_next_pair() |
libnet_plist_chain_dump() | |
libnet_plist_chain_dump_string() | |
libnet_plist_chain_free() | |
libnet_getfd() | |
75 | libnet_getdevice() |
libnet_getpbuf() | |
libnet_getpbuf_size() | |
libnet_adv_cull_packet() | |
76 | libnet_adv_write_link() |
libnet_seed_prand() | |
libnet_get_prand() | |
gettimeofday() | |
77 | punch - UDP packet blaster example program |
87 | E-box event generator |
NIDS | |
libnids | |
88 | IP defragmentation |
TCP stream reassembly | |
port scan detection | |
nids_prm struct | |
syslog | |
90 | tuple4 struct |
91 | half_stream struct |
92 | tcp_stream struct |
93 | nids_init() |
94 | nids_run() |
nids_next() | |
nids_errbuf.nids_next() ???? | |
BSD and Linux behavior differ with nids_next() and pcap_next() | |
95 | nids_register_ip_frag() |
nids_register_ip() | |
nids_register_udp() | |
nids_register_tcp() | |
96 | nids_killtcp() |
nids_discard() | |
lilt example program | |
Telnet | |
IRC | |
connection watching | |
RST | |
synchronous i/o | |
98 | FreeBSD |
99 | OpenBSD |
113 | libsf |
Shawn Bracken | |
BSD license | |
libdb | |
remote OS detection | |
fingerprinting | |
114 | Michal Zalewski / lcamtuf |
Fyodor (Nmap) | |
p0f | |
115 | active fingerprinting |
passive fingerprinting | |
MySQL | |
117 | TTL |
119 | libsf_t typedef |
libsf_init() | |
120 | libsf_set_timeout() |
libsf_destroy() | |
libsf_geterror() | |
121 | libsf_active_id() |
libsf_passive_id() | |
libsf_os_get_tm() | |
libsf_os_get_hs() | |
libsf_os_get_next() | |
libsf_os_get_match() | |
122 | libsf_os_reset_counter() |
legerdemain ??? | |
129 | libdnet |
Dug Song / dugsong | |
ARP cache | |
route table | |
addr struct (dnet) | |
arp_entry struct | |
route_entry struct | |
intf_entry struct | |
fw_rule struct | |
arp_t typedef | |
route_t | |
intf_t | |
fw_t | |
ip_t | |
ip_t | |
eth_t | |
blob_t | |
134 | rand_t |
addr_comp() | |
addr_bcast() | |
addr_ntop() | |
135 | addr_pton() |
addr_ntoa() | |
addr_ntos() | |
addr_ston() | |
addr_btom() | |
addr_mtob() | |
136 | addr_btos() |
addr_stob() | |
arp_open() | |
arp_add() | |
arp_delete() | |
arp_get() | |
arp_loop() | |
137 | arp_close() |
route_open() | |
route_add() | |
route_delete() | |
route_get() | |
route_loop() | |
138 | route_close() |
intf_open() | |
intf_get() | |
intf_get_src() | |
intf_get_dst() | |
intf_set() | |
intf_loop() | |
intf_close() | |
140 | fw_open() |
fw_add() | |
fw_delete() | |
fw_loop() | |
fw_close() | |
fw_pack_rule() | |
Solaris | |
NetBSD | |
142 | eth_open() |
eth_get() | |
eth_send() | |
eth_close() | |
ip_open() | |
ip_add_option() | |
143 | ip_checksum() |
ip_send() | |
ip_close() | |
blob_new() | |
blob_read() | |
144 | blob_write() |
blob_seek() | |
blob_index() | |
blob_rindex() | |
blob_pack() | |
blob_unpack() | |
blob_print() | |
hexadecimal | |
blob_free() | |
random number generator | |
rand_open() | |
146 | rand_get() |
rand_set() | |
rand_add() | |
rand_uint8() | |
rand_uint16() | |
rand_uint32() | |
rand_shuffle() | |
147 | rand_close() |
clutch - ARP monitoring example program | |
163 | OpenSSL |
SSLeay | |
Eric Young | |
Tim Hudson | |
SSL | |
TLS | |
libssl.a | |
libcrypto.a | |
164 | symmetric encryption: blowfish CAST DES IDEA RC2 RC4 RC5 |
asymmetric encryption: DSA DH RSA | |
public-key infrastructure (PKI) | |
OCSP | |
x509 | |
CRL | |
EVP | |
ASN.1 | |
PRNG | |
ssh, sshd | |
isakmpd | |
EVP_Cipher() | |
EVP_Seal() | |
EVP_Open() | |
EVP_Digest() | |
EVP_Sign() | |
EVP_Verify() | |
165 | ITAR restrictions |
166 | ENGINE typedef |
167 | EVP_CIPHER |
EVP_MD | |
OpenSSL_add_all_ciphers() | |
OpenSSL_add_all_digests() | |
OpenSSL_add_all_algorithms() | |
168 | EVP_cleanup() |
EVP_CIPHER_CTX_init() | |
EVP_get_cipherbyname() | |
EVP_CipherInit_ex() | |
169 | EVP_CipherUpdate() |
EVP_CipherFinal_ex() | |
EVP_CIPHER_CTX_cleanup() | |
EVP_CIPHER_set_padding() | |
170 | EVP_CIPHER_CTX_set_key_length() |
EVP_CIPHER_CTX_block_size() | |
EVP_CIPHER_CTX_key_length() | |
EVP_CIPHER_CTX_iv_length() | |
EVP_CIPHER_CTX_get_app_data() | |
EVP_CIPHER_CTX_set_app_data() | |
EVP_CIPHER_CTX_flags() | |
EVP_CIPHER_CTX_mode() | |
171 | EVP_SealInit() |
EVP_SealUpdate() | |
EVP_SealFinal() | |
172 | EVP_OpenInit() |
EVP_OpenUpdate() | |
EVP_OpenFinal() | |
message digest | |
EVP_MD_CTX_init() | |
EVP_get_digestbyname() | |
173 | EVP_DigestInit_ex() |
EVP_DigestUpdate() | |
EVP_DigestFinal_ex() | |
EVP_MD_CTX_cleanup() | |
EVP_MD_CTX_md() | |
EVP_MD_CTX_size() | |
174 | EVP_MD_CTX_block_size() |
EVP_SignInit_ex() | |
digital signature | |
EVP_SignUpdate() | |
EVP_SignFinal() | |
EVP_PKEY_size() | |
EVP_VerifyInit_ex() | |
175 | EVP_VerifyUpdate() |
EVP_VerifyFinal() | |
roil - sample program | |
176 | CAST algorithm |
Carlise Adams | |
Stafford Tavares | |
magic number | |
193 | packet sniffing |
passive reconnaissance | |
wiretap | |
Ethernet | |
194 | Layer 2 |
@stake Antisniff | |
ARP | |
802.11 | |
ALOHA wireless network | |
University of Hawaii | |
Bob Metcalfe | |
Layer 1 | |
promiscuous mode | |
Layer 3 | |
195 | demultiplexing |
IEEE | |
802.3 | |
Ethertype | |
Layer 4 | |
197 | Jonathan Swift - Gulliver’s Travels (endianness???) |
network byte order | |
AND operator | |
FIN flag | |
198 | scoop - sample program |
201 | exercise for reader - SSL traffic??? |
217 | port scanning |
IP expiry | |
218 | well-known ports |
registered ports | |
dynamic ports / private ports | |
RFC 1035 | |
Information Technology (IT) | |
219 | bandwidth |
“interesting” ports | |
full-open port scanning | |
OpenBSD | |
221 | identd - RFC 1413 |
222 | FTP bounce scanning |
half-open/SYN scanning | |
223 | parallel scanning |
UDP scanning | |
224 | RFC 1812 - Requirements for IPv4 Routers |
stealth scanning | |
225 | XMAS scanning |
NULL scanning | |
fragmented IP scanning | |
IP expiry | |
TTL | |
226 | Van Jacobson |
terminal packet | |
228 | UDP traceroute |
ICMP traceroute | |
232 | firewalk |
ACL - Access Control List | |
gateway | |
hopcount ramping | |
creeping walk | |
239 | knock - sample program |
257 | cross-site scripting (XSS) |
denial of service (DoS) | |
258 | vulnerability scanning |
260 | HTML, XML, ASCII |
LIFO | |
261 | buffer overflow |
suid root | |
264 | shellcode |
egg | |
265 | get_esp() |
NOP, NOP sled | |
267 | format string vulnerability |
268 | printf() |
format specifiers | |
270 | snprintf() |
272 | sift - sample program |
274 | BIND |
ISC - Internet Software Consortium | |
DNS Chaos class query | |
294 | IETF - Internet Engineering Task Force |
296 | PKCS - Public Key Cryptography Standard |
PKCS#12 | |
302 | NIDS - Network Intrusion Detection System |
303 | Descry - sample program |
306 | PATRICIA trie |
327 | SANS - Systems Administration / Network Security |
Hacking Exposed books | |
Osborne McGraw-Hill publisher | |
336 | SMTP |
361 | select() |
373 | firewalk example program |