

Timing Analysis of Keystrokes and Timing Attacks on SSH

by Dawn Xiaodong Song, David Wagner, and Xuqing Tian

USENIX, August 2001, Washington DC, USA

https://www.usenix.org/conference/10th-usenix-security-symposium/timing-analysis-keystrokes-and-timing-attacks-ssh https://www.usenix.org/legacy/events/sec01/full_papers/song/song.pdf

This paper discuses timing attacks against the SSH protocol that can be used to determine what was typed in an SSH session by measuring the latency between packets containing keystrokes.

block cipher
keystroke packets are sent as they are typed in SSH.
hidden Markov model
“Herbivore can speed up exhaustive search for passwords by a factor of 50”
telnet, rlogin, ftp are insecure networking protcols, used broadly into the 00’s
meta keys
users’ typing follows a stable pattern
n-Viterbi algorithm
nested ssh sessions
Gaussian distribution
Gaussian modeling
statistical learning
timing is measured between keystroke pairs
entropy of english is 0.6 - 1.3 bits per character
standard deviation
finite-state stochastic process
Krocher timing attack https://krishnadk.hashnode.dev/kochers-timing-attack
Paul Krocher - SPECTRE vulnerabilities
Trostle timing attack
adding “chaff”/dummy packets to obscure keystroke timings
sending ssh packets at a flat rate to obscure keystroke timings
Solar Designer


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